

2015-12-24 16:13

        每到圣诞,我总会想起2003年的英国贺岁片Love Actually。想起那个过气的老歌星Bill和被Bill誉为世界上最丑的经纪人Joe,想起Bill因为圣诞夜的顿悟,离开他一直追逐的名流聚会,跑回到小破公寓里跟Joe笨拙又温暖地拥抱在一起。
        Joe: So what was this epiphany? 
        Bill: Er, it...it was about Christmas.
        Joe: You realised it was all around.
        Bill: No. I realised that Christmas is the time to be with the people you love.
        Joe: Right.
        "On this night that is most silent and most holy, we wish that our voices, songs, unbridled laughters and heartfelt stories could remind the world, that the celebration of Christmas, is more than another commercialized holiday neatly gift-wrapped in neon lights and transactions. It is a time that let us all join together, to share great food and close company, to look back on another year that has almost gone past, and remember all the moments that made us feel the gravity of these three words: love, family, and home. To all of our students, we are here to celebrate your past, both in tears and smiles. And we will always be here for you, like beloves friends, and an unshakable family."